NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Investment Properties

  • Over 4.3 million Australians are living with some form of disability, equivalent to around 17% of the population.
  • Around 530,000 people in Australia are living with a permanent and significant disability and require additional support.
  • Approximately 35,000 people will require Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in addition to their other supports.
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation is a long-term initiative, and it is here to stay.
In 2019 the Federal Government announced a plan for all Australians under 45 who are living in nursing homes to be transitioned into SDA housing within 3 years, expanding to include all those under 65 within 6 years.
The estimated number of SDA houses needed is based on only 6% of people living with a disability requiring SDA payments. This figure has already doubled in trial regions and the number of SDA properties required has grown.
A total of $228 million was paid to SDA providers in the year ending March 2023, compared to $90 million in 2020. The annualised growth rate has been 36% over the last three years, with a government target of $700 million!
Demand for SDA housing is not static. One very small group of participants accessing SDA housing are spinal surgery patients. Sadly, QLD alone averages more than 100 new cases of severe spinal injury every year.

What Is NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-backed social welfare program aimed at providing necessary support for Australians living with disabilities. The goal of the scheme is to help eligible participants live more independently. NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is one aspect of this scheme.

SDA housing has been specifically designed for those with high support needs. The properties feature accessibility modifications, assistive technology and, where necessary, 24/7 support staff.

Different Kinds of NDIS SDAs

There are four primary categories of NDS Specialist Disability Accommodation. These include:

  1. Improved Liveability: These properties have been designed or modified to improve the ability of the resident to live independently. They’ll often include accessible bathrooms, kitchens and living areas.
  2. Fully Accessible (FA): FA properties are specifically designed for residents with mobility impairments. They may include wider doorways, ramps, handrails and other features to assist with ease of movement.
  3. High Physical Support (HPS): Designed for residents with very high support needs, these houses may include specialised equipment, such as hoists and adjustable beds, as well as space for dedicated support staff.
  4. Robust: Robust SDA houses are designed for heavy use with minimal risk of damage. They’re typically built with more durable materials, reinforced walls and other design elements aimed at increasing safety and longevity.

What are the Benefits of Investing in SDAs?

There are a number of advantages to investing in SDAs, including:

  • Stability: The NDIS is backed by legislation that requires agreement from all States and Territories before any changes can be made.
  • Fast Growth: To encourage investment in SDA properties, the NDIS provides a generous rental subsidy. The scale of this building project cannot be overstated. It has been heralded as the largest social housing building program Australia has ever seen.
  • Longevity: The Government has committed $700m each year for payments to SDA property investors, indexed for the next 20 years!
  • Growing Need: Some participants are forced to live in inappropriate institutional housing due to a lack of available SDA housing.
  • Fully Funded: NDIS implemented SDA as an additional “rental subsidy” that provides each participant with between $32,107 and $68,391 to contribute toward their rent.

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