When deciding what SMSF (Self Managed Super Fund) investment strategies are right for you, consider the unique advantages of house and land packages that are now available. Expanding your SMSF investment with house and land packages is a strategic choice that can offer a blend of potential capital growth, rental income and tax benefits that can significantly enhance your retirement savings. Read on to learn the key benefits of House and Land Packages for SMSFs.
What Is A Self Managed Super Fund?
Firstly, if you are one of the many Australians searching online “what is SMSF?” you are likely looking for more control over your retirement savings. The positive returns that SMSFs have shown over the past five years has seen an increase in people looking for more flexibility that SMSFs offer compared to traditional superannuation funds.
As a quick overview, an SMSF is a type of superannuation fund that individuals or families can establish to manage their own retirement savings. In an SMSF, all members are also trustees. This means they are directly responsible for making investment decisions and ensuring the fund complies with superannuation and tax laws. This structure allows for greater control over how the fund is managed and invested.
Types of Investment Properties Available With An SMSF
With the right strategy, investors can opt for a range of property types for their SMSF investment portfolio. Through Positive Income Properties, you can select from:
- Dual key properties
- Duplex homes
- Co-living and shared living housing
- House and land packages
Key Benefits of House and Land Packages for SMSFs
- Capital Growth: Properties, especially in growing areas, tend to appreciate over time. Investing in a house and land package can provide a solid foundation for capital growth.
- Rental Income: A well-located property can generate consistent rental income, contributing to your SMSF’s financial health.
- Tax Benefits: SMSFs can enjoy various tax advantages, including deductions for inclusions, the building, property expenses and potential capital gains tax discounts.
- Control and Flexibility: Investing in an Investment house and land package gives you greater control over your investment. Let us help guide you on the location, design and features that align with your investment goals for success.
How Positive Income Properties Can Help
At Positive Income Properties, we specialise in helping SMSF investors acquire high-quality house and land packages. Our services include:
- Property Sourcing: We identify prime locations and developers offering attractive investment opportunities.
- Due Diligence: Our team conducts thorough due diligence to ensure the property meets SMSF regulations and offers solid investment potential.
- Post-Settlement Support: We provide ongoing support, including property management and tenancy services.
Getting Started with Your SMSF Investment
- Consult with a Financial Advisor: Discuss your SMSF goals and risk tolerance to determine if a house and land package is the right investment for you.
- Research Potential Locations: Consider factors like population growth, economic development and property market trends.
- Contact Positive Income Properties: Our team can provide personalised guidance and help you identify suitable opportunities.
Investing in Investment house and land packages through your SMSF can be a strategic move to enhance your retirement savings. With the right guidance and planning, you can reap the benefits of capital growth, rental income and tax advantages.
Ready to explore this investment opportunity? Contact Positive Income Properties today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve your SMSF goals.
Gil Elliott is the Managing Director and Founder of Positive Income Properties. Gil has a rich background in business consulting and property investment. All of these he gained in his nearly four decades of experience in the real estate and marketing industries.